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mara.neumann's blog

Atlanta Food Bank

Thanks to Alison's organizational skills, a few us volunteered at the Atlanta Community Food Bank one night last week. We sorted, inspected, & packed over 400 boxes of canned goods to be distributed to those in need. It felt good to be able to help & we certainly don't think it will be our last time volunteering!

Snowpocalypse 2017

Snow started to fall on Atlanta last Friday. It was angelic & calming & some of us played in it for a bit. Then...panic set in. We canceled our Christmas party, most of us bolted, while others enjoyed the ride. #shouldvetakenthebooze

Najia's Retirement

After 5 years, our little Najia Ali has retired to take care of her little ones. We wished her the best of luck & sent her off with a video, poem, & the best burger in town. We will miss our little firecracker.


Her Name is Najia Ali

She’s a hardworking Georgia Techy,

A Dual major & mother of twins

A lover of dark chocolate & architecture-ing

While at Foley she’s done a great deal

Foley Christmas Take 2

The day of Snowpocalypse 2017, The Foley Christmas party was scheduled to occur. Sadly, because of the snow chaos we opted to reschedule the momentous event for the following Monday. Although at first we all were a little disappointed with a Monday party, in the end, it really did NOT disappoint; The food from the Hannah brothers was still on point as usual (those powdered sugar cookies were the jam). Dan MC'd the always hilarious white elephant exhange while donning I-can't-take-you-seriously- tophat.

Just the 6 of us...

Black Friday crew is always minimal. Here are the dedicated 6 that attempted to show up :)