Submitted by mara.neumann on Fri, 10/28/2016 - 15:38
Last Wednesday we had our annual Foley Flog event at Flat Creek Country Club in Peachtree City. What is a Foley Flog you say? Flog is Golf spelled backwards. & a Foley Flog is a 9-hole Golf Scramble consisting of 4-person teams made up of a mix of Foley employees, clients, & consultants. As the name implies it can be a bit of a backwards game as players from all skills levels & backgrounds are forced together to attempt to play an intensly skillful sport.
Submitted by mara.neumann on Thu, 05/05/2016 - 20:05
Throw Back Thursday to when our server was down & we entertained ourselves with a friendly game of putt putt. Little did we know that Shirean was a putt-putt Shark. First time she stepped up to the plate, she got a hole-in-one. Shirean's new flog name should be "Shirean-Shark-Dryden" or even better "Shirean-I-can-shoot-a-hole-in-one-with-my-eyes-closed-Dryden". Guess the rest of the Foley Crew needs to start practicing their Flog skillz in order to keep up.