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mara.neumann's blog

Smyrna Community Center

Jose is super pumped for his next renovation job at the Smyrna Community Center. Here is he is working on his as built drawings while sporting the signature "Foley thumbs up".

Marketing for Amelia

Amelia Island marketing is coming along quite nicely thanks to our help with the building design and rendering coordination. Super fancy guys.  

High Five to getting a permit!

Thanks to Shirean and team for all there hard work to get the Evoq/Sojourn permit. High Five!

And that's a punch

Breckenridge is almost complete, phew! Last few punches are coming up and we even have the furniture almost installed. Loving the sleek corner design and interior decor. Way to go team.

Breaking ground!

Evoq is breaking ground & we're pumped to show the progress. Construction Admninistration, we got you.