Submitted by jennifer.chesnokov on Thu, 09/27/2018 - 18:33
We forgot to take a before picture... Here is what was left of the cake approximately 5mins after Lauren blew out the candles. It is no secret that we all love celebrating with sweets. Have the best birthday Lauren!
Submitted by mara.neumann on Fri, 03/31/2017 - 20:52
Someone had a milestone birthday the other day, and we made sure that the birthday girl felt extra special. Since she didn’t have a yard for us to teepee, a few of us got together and teepee’d her workstation with pink and grey streamers and Pink Flamingo decor. In the afternoon we celebrated her birthday by eating a plethora of cake topped with Anti-Aging ice cream and drank Fountain of Youth unsweet tea to help us feel young at heart. Well, happiest of birthdays, Sharon Foley. We hope you felt the Foley Flock-ing Love! #thefoleyflock