Submitted by mara.neumann on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 12:39
As a way to cleverly get to know our Foley Design Employees, we have come up with our own series called "Humans of Foley Design", inspired by the photoblog called "Humans of New York". Each month or so, we will feature 1 employee and they will answer the following questions in hopes of getting to know their own design perspectives. Our first feature is with Laser Dave as he is leaving us for the Windy City, Chicago, and we wanted to get to show case his architectural background before his last day, so enjoy;
Submitted by mara.neumann on Fri, 09/30/2016 - 21:20
I'm apparently known around here as a guy who knows stuff, so our Blogger Extraordinaire has invited me to share some of these questionably interesting tidbits as they come up.