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mara.neumann's blog

The Nogging Crew

Every year right before Thanksgiving & Christmas, the minimal crew left in the office has an eggnog toast. This year was no different; Here we are enjoying each others company while sipping on some eggnog, modified for a few :), & munching on some ridiculously good cookies. 

So Bright too

This December sun is affecting our computer glare. Here we are improvising again...

Change is so good

The interiors department is embracing the changes. Whoop whoop. Revit will soon be their go-to software and the architecture studio can't wait to make them be a part of the process. Also, thanks to Tim our IT guy for putting together a 2 day crash course for these gals. Change is so good!

Buh-bye Georgia Dome

On Monday, November 20th at 7:30am, I witnessed for three seconds the implosion of the Georgia Dome. It was bitter sweet, as designers and architects, we know how long it takes to design, permit, & construct a building. We feel the pain when something so time consuming and precious to some can disappear within seconds. However it was pretty darn cool to see it implode. Enjoy it here in slow-mo... 

Those colors...

One of our leaders & project managers, taking it outside to choose color and brick options for a new client. You go Allen & Michael. Those colors are going to pick themselves! #headtilt