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mara.neumann's blog

AHA Outing at Garland Mountain

Thanks to AHA for allowing Bryce and I to partake in the Garland Mountain Sporting Clay Tournament for Contractors and Designers. The sights were amazing and the company was even better. Next year we hope to do better and practice shooting with our eyes closed, I mean open :)

Appreciation to T-Money & PES

Unfortunately, one of our landplanner's left us last week. Taylor Pounds aka T-money has been a great hit here at Foley the last year and half. He's been prompt, knows how to draft, has photoshop skills, all while also having a great attitude. To show him our appreciation for his hard work, we showered him with 2 farewell poems & thanks to Jennifer we even made it rain on him with Taylor Pound Money. We wish Taylor good luck in his future endeavors as we know he will do well! 

Mara's Birthday

Another birthday, another great celebration with the Foley Crew & (PES, ya'll rock). Thanks for helping me celebrate another year!

That glare

We are getting used to the bright light casting glare on our monitors. Some of us have improvised with hats...

Our Little Helper

We love it when Miles comes to visit us. Who wouldn't love this face! Photo cred; @amelianmiles