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Foley Christmas Take 2

The day of Snowpocalypse 2017, The Foley Christmas party was scheduled to occur. Sadly, because of the snow chaos we opted to reschedule the momentous event for the following Monday. Although at first we all were a little disappointed with a Monday party, in the end, it really did NOT disappoint; The food from the Hannah brothers was still on point as usual (those powdered sugar cookies were the jam). Dan MC'd the always hilarious white elephant exhange while donning I-can't-take-you-seriously- tophat. We snapped a bunch of awesomely-Christmas-y photos at the photobooth wall while posterboard Dave judged us from behind. We danced our little hearts out, especially after a little liquid courage provided by our bartender name Mackal. Now that I think about it, our "Wobbles" did seem a lot smoother as the night went a long... & last but not least, Jennifer's Ice Luge brought the party to another level. We all took turns on the Ice Luge as we chanted each other's name in engouragment. I can still hear..."Allen, Allen, AAALLLEEENNN!!!" echoing in our studio.  Always a solid time with this Foley Crew. Always.