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mara.neumann's blog

Toastmaster Winner

Congrats to Alain for getting 1st place at the Toastmaster Club in East Atlanta. Alain took it upon himself to work on his public speaking. He joined Toastmaster International. At this particular event, he had to make a 10 min pitch on convincing the audience members to purchase an affordable electric car & he won! Congrats to Alain. The rest of the Foley Team can learn a lot from him.


Bye bye Amelia

One of our most ambitious employee's decided to leave us last month to persue her own ventures. Amelia was a talented, smart, young, cookie who brought so much life to the architecture studio. The Foley Family will miss her tremendously but we know she'll do great without us. Good luck Amelia!

THE BIG 7-0.

The bossman turned a milestone last month and we obviously had to let everyone know. Cheers to turning 70 Bill! You don't look an age over 20 :)

Christmas Party Shenanigans

Another awesome Foley Christmas Party success. This year, it was all about the Christmas Sweaters and the Painted Duck. Enjoy!

Bird. Scooters.

It was a lively lunch at Puritan the other day when Bird Scooters showed up outside of Herman Miller. Dan & Bryce got a little excited & decided to test their racing abilities in the parking lot. Apparently, Dan won by hair. #doesntlooklikeittome