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mara.neumann's blog

Rockstars working through roof repairs

Savanna and Jose happy even when plastic protection covers your workstation. 


Our Walton Mill project is slowly beginning to take shape. Here are the first detention pond footings being worked on. More to come...


Foley Design is always so impressed by the Georgia Tech Career Fair students. This 2019 year was no different. Not only were the students on point but our booth was perfect too. So thanks to Sublime Donuts for providing our unique flair. Thanks also to the president himself, Bill Foley for being one of the recruiters & to Jose, Savanna, Mara, & Jen for setting up & chatting up the students. In the end, we had a ton of potential future interns to interview. 


Jose & Jen were our superbowl square champs last month. While Jose took the earnings quietly, Jen made it rain in the office.

17 day Diet New Year!

At the beginning of the year, a lot of the office participated in the 17 day diet challenge. For 17 days we focused on our health and followed the bestselling diet plan. Weigh in occurred once a week, with the winning employee being Jose at the end of the 17 days! Congrats on losing 5.3% of body fat Jose.