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Salt Wall Therapy

The Peachtree Hills Team was able to get some much needed Salt Wall therapy in at the PHP Spa wall with the owner yesterday... & then also take some pretty awesome construction photos in the process. 

Sky diver Elizabeth

Last weEk we learned that Elizabeth is a talented interior designer by day but a daredevil by night. Her and her husband have been trying to get certified to do solo skydiving & last week, they finally became certified! Yvonne and the interior's team were kind enough to provide a "cloud" cake for everyone to enjoy and celebrate this momentous occasion. How cool!

PHP Summer Site Visit

Over the summer, we had a chance to show the office the awesome progress we have made at Peachtree Hills. Here is the evidence. 

Savanna presents Mbosho

Savanna Jones presented her undergrad final design project to us this morning.  It was refreshing to hear and see all of her hard work and creativity.  Shot out to Tiffany who was Savanna's copartner for the Mbosho project.  See below for a brief description of the project:

Evoq Flats Timeline

Evoq Town Flats (located in the heart of Johns Creek) now open for leasing.  It has been a long road; but, we are excited to be wrapping up the final touches.  Check out these photos from our construction journey.