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Check out two of our newest members of the Foley Team: Brian and Andrea! 


Spotlight on Brian: 

What day did you start? March 18, 2022

What department? Architecture

What is your job title? Architectural Designer

What is a personal goal you want to accomplish with FDA? I would like to expand my knowledge in all aspects of architecture, as well as gain experience while working on various project types here at FDA. 

Where did you go to school, or where are you currently? Clemson University

When did you graduate? 2016

What are you currently working on? Oaks at Whitaker Glen

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be? Barcelona, Spain

If you had to only eat one type of food forever, what would it be? Cheeseburger 

What is your favorite quote? "If you afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail." Kobe Bryant


Spotlight on Andrea: 

What day did you start? February 22nd, 2022

What department? Architecture

What is your job title? Architecture Intern

What is a personal goal you want to accomplish with FDA? Learning about different projects, project stages, and regulations.

Where did you go to school, or where are you currently? Went to University of Florida, and currently at Georgia Tech

When did you graduate? 2021

What are you currently working on? Blue Star Studios and Crossing Pointe at Christian City

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be? Japan and Greece

If you had to only eat one type of food forever, what would it be? Korean BBQ