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Interior's "Designer's Lullaby"

Lauren, Yvonne and Sharon attended a designer's event last month and got very creative. At "Finding Your Collaborative Groove Event" they were able to partake in a bit of song writing. Check it out;


Nice work ladies! Looks & sounds like fun. Enjoy;

Designer's Lullaby

We work with small budgets, we work with small minds And they never ever get things done at time

We're sleep deprived and zombied eyed

And crazy contractor's make us lose our minds


oh oh....

oh oh....


But we do it anyway, from the heart We do it anyway, its a shot in the dark We do it anyway...aye... aye...


We got demanding clients who change their minds But we keep the ball rolling & design on a dime


oh oh....

oh oh....


But we do it anyway, from the heart We do it anyway, its a shot in the dark We do it anyway...aye... aye...


But we do it anyway, from the heart We do it anyway, its a shot in the dark We do it anyway...aye... aye...


Tick tock tick tock and it's getting late

We work, work, work, and its gonna be great Tick tock tick tock and it's getting late

We work, work, work,  and its gonna be great


Oh Oh...... Oh Oh......


But we do it anyway, from the heart We do it anyway, its a shot in the dark We do it anyway...aye... aye...


But we do it anyway, from the heart We do it anyway, its a shot in the dark We do it anyway...aye... aye...