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mara.neumann's blog


Punching Buildings and feeling small

Bryce and Mara happy to be outside of the office on a beautiful day punching the biggest building known to man.  #tinyman #antman

Office 'Nog Partay

Every year we have an Office 'Nog Party before everyone scatters for the holidays. These were the last men standing... #stayingstrong #jenniferselfie

Foley Holiday Mixer pt 2

Because we couldn't upload all our photos, here is part two to the Holiday Mixer Blog post.

Foley Holiday Mixer pt 1

Another Foley Holiday Mixer in the books & yet another memorable good time. A few Friday's ago we were able to all let loose and party it up with our fellow employees and plus ones at Dave & Jeremy's super chic midtown pad. We started off the evening delicately mingling amongst each other while sipping on some specialty cocktails.  But then the night turned for the better when shots were poured and white elephant gifts were exchanged.