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mara.neumann's blog

BOB... a little late

Interiors Studio went to the b.o.b. awards a few months ago, and we are JUST getting to posting these ladies all dressed up for IIDA's ceremony which showcases the best of the best in Interior Design. Thanks to Tandus and Bentley Carpets they went as guests and got experience the wonderful event. #lookinggoodladies

Profesh Photos

Thanks to our resident photographer/intern Amelia, we now have an updated Foley Crew photo & updated partner photos. It was a toss up between looking so profesh or being silly. We opted for profesh to post on the Foley Crew tab but it was a tough call to not go with this "Jazz-Hands" option.  #nowayjose #landplanning #heath #allenthoughtweweredabbing #landplanningishardcore #jazzhands

Dave's Last Day

Last week we kicked off Dave's Going Away Party with the following Dave poem and a blast from the past video highlighting our adventures with our buddy. This was a sad start to what ended up being a fantastic evening of eating and socializing at the Optimist, followed by bocce'ing at Ormsby's & then closing out the night dancing at Northside Tavern. We are going to miss you buddy. 


Your Foley Family


Unfortunately our Laser Dave is saying farewell

It hasn’t been without a story to tell

Humans of Foley Design featuring Laser Dave

As a way to cleverly get to know our Foley Design Employees, we have come up with our own series called "Humans of Foley Design", inspired by the photoblog called "Humans of New York". Each month or so, we will feature 1 employee and they will answer the following questions in hopes of getting to know their own design perspectives. Our first feature is with Laser Dave as he is leaving us for the Windy City, Chicago, and we wanted to get to show case his architectural background before his last day, so enjoy;


Jose and Amelia Win an Architizer A+ Award

Foley Design is beyond proud of our talented employees. We recently found out that Jose and Amelia are 2-time Winners and 1-time finalists of the Architizer A+ Awards for their Guga S’Thebe Children’s Theatre. While both attending Georgia tech in the summer of 2014,  they participated in a design-build studio project that consisted of designing a theater for the township of Langa, South Africa.