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Sound Tests!

We don't always sit in front of a computer. Some days we get to test catwalk assemblies to see which would be the best design for minimal reverberation in sound stages. Nice work Najia & Jennifer. 

Fat Friday

Every Friday, one Foley Design Employee brings in breakfast for all to enjoy. Usually it entails donuts or bagels or some other typical-not-so-good for you breakfast special but last Friday it was tad bit different. Thanks to Isabella's Australian Fat Friday special we are all a little bit healthier down under <---get it? Poached Eggs, avocado, & sauteed mushrooms were on the menu. If there was an award for "Best Fat Friday", hands down, she would win. 


Thanks to Pruitt Eberly Stone for the Leap Frog cookies for Leap Day!!!

PES are such appreciative consultants. They "hopped" on over to us to deliver frogs on "Leap Day" as a "thank you". It made the extra Monday that much better.