Submitted by mara.neumann on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 20:41
Thanks to our resident photographer/intern Amelia, we now have an updated Foley Crew photo & updated partner photos. It was a toss up between looking so profesh or being silly. We opted for profesh to post on the Foley Crew tab but it was a tough call to not go with this "Jazz-Hands" option. #nowayjose #landplanning #heath #allenthoughtweweredabbing #landplanningishardcore #jazzhands
Submitted by mara.neumann on Fri, 10/28/2016 - 15:38
Last Wednesday we had our annual Foley Flog event at Flat Creek Country Club in Peachtree City. What is a Foley Flog you say? Flog is Golf spelled backwards. & a Foley Flog is a 9-hole Golf Scramble consisting of 4-person teams made up of a mix of Foley employees, clients, & consultants. As the name implies it can be a bit of a backwards game as players from all skills levels & backgrounds are forced together to attempt to play an intensly skillful sport.
Submitted by mara.neumann on Fri, 09/16/2016 - 21:53
On Wednesday we took a little break from the work day and put together a surprise wedding shower for Lauren. Since she is getting married in Mexico we thought a tropical themed party would be appropriate. & obviously what's a tropical party without Hawaaian shirts, Coronas, a veiled sombrero & an inflatable palm tree. #onpoint. Anyways, since most of us can't be there to celebrate in person we wanted to throw her a party to show her that she is loved by her Foley Family. So, we heart you mucho Lauren & wish you the best on your wedding day.
Submitted by mara.neumann on Fri, 08/26/2016 - 21:28
Last Friday some of the Foley Crew stayed after work to get some salsa lessons from our own two dance guru's-Alain & Amelia.They taught us the ChaCha, Bachata, & Salsa which we promptly took to the Fernbank Salsa night dance floor. Watch out world. Foley Design can not only design you some pretty rad buildings but we can also do the ChaCha while doing it. #chachadesign