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Lauren's Bday!

Celebrating Lauren's birthday with cake & cupcakes. Thanks for the yummy treats Yvonne! #weshouldallbefat

Mind blown

After much deliberation, we figured out how those cars get into the Foundry. Mind Blown.


The Bossman Vacation

Bill Foley just sent me these on his vacation. My reply was "are you coming back?". #heneverresponded #amazingview

Smart Lighting Solutions and Rep Partay

Thanks to our favorite lighting rep Dylan James from Smart lighting Solutions for such a fun evening. A few of the crew partook in the Rubik Light Up Atlanta event. We learned a ton about lighting while sipping beverages overlooking the downtown Atlanta view. We now have some pretty innovative options for future projects thanks to him! #freewirelessheadphones #lookup

Braves Brasfield

Thanks to the Pebblebrook Brasfield team duo, Ashley and Percy, for an awesome time at the Braves game. #alittletoomuchfun